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Palisade Community Choir

Upcoming Choir Sessions:

Christmas Session

October 2-December 16

Concert TBA

Rehearsals March 26-May 14

Concert May 17

The Palisade Community Choir has been established to provide a fulfilling, high quality choral experience for the novice and advanced musician alike.  We welcome people of all backgrounds, races, cultures, and hope to use music to unify us all.  Admittedly, the choir director is Christian, and does a Christmas concert each year with many religious pieces. The other sessions of choir are more secular in nature.

At Palisade Playhouse, we understand that people have busy lives, family and work commitments, and it is often not practical to commit to a choir for an entire year.  Commitment for this choir is only for one session at a time, which are 9-10 weeks in length.  Each choir member is expected to maintain at least 80% attendance to perform in each concert, or must demonstrate knowledge of music to be performed.






















For Adults

Community Choir rehearsals are held Tuesdays from 8-9:30pm. The cost to participate is $60 per session, and covers the cost of music, the director and accompanists' fees, and use of rehearsal space. We will meet at the director's home until we grow and exceed capacity for his rehearsal space, and then we will find an alternate location.  Concert attire will consist of things most people should already own, to keep participation costs low.  October 2 will consist of individual voice placement times (come prepared to sing My Country Tis of Thee), and regular rehearsals begin October 9th.






















For Children K-5th grade

Community Choir rehearsals are held Tuesdays from 8-9:30pm. The cost to participate is $60 per session, and covers the cost of music, the director and accompanists' fees, and use of rehearsal space. We will meet at the director's home until we grow and exceed capacity for his rehearsal space, and then we will find an alternate location.  Concert attire will consist of things most people should already own, to keep participation costs low. There will be no individual voice placement for children's choir.  This choir will teach music theory, healthy singing, and will encourage children to sing in unison and harmony, accompanied and a cappella.



While much of our 2018-19 season's music is planned, we welcome ideas for concert themes, pieces to be used on a concert, and so on for this season and next!  Please email Matt at for suggestions!



Community Choir Sign-up
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